WIP by leoriether

Testing Resources — A Literature Review

‹‹ 2024-04-04 ››

I've learned a lot about testing in the last few months, so the idea of this post is to aggregate resources I think are useful in a structured way, both for future reference and maybe, who knows, it might be useful to someone else. I'll also give a brief introduction to each technique as motivation, but I expect the real value of this post to be the links contained in it.

Before delving into more specific techniques, it's worth mentioning How to Test by matklad, as it contains a wealth of information, techniques and practices. If I had to pick only one link to recommend, it would be this one. Many of the other sections will overlap with How to Test.

So with that out of the way, let's talk about...

Example testing#

One of the easiest and most common ways of testing: come up with some example inputs and check if the output of a method is as expected.

fn test_capitalize() {
    let input = "the quick Brown fOx JUMPS OVer THE LazY dog";
    let expected = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog";
    let actual = capitalize(input);
    assert_eq!(actual, expected);

One variation of this method is table-driven testing, or data-driven testing. As far as I know (and I have no source for this), this technique was popularized by Go (see https://go.dev/wiki/TableDrivenTests), but is also recommended in How to Test -- Data Driven Testing and has a similar implementation in JUnit's @ParameterizedTests (see https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-parameterized-tests).

In my opinion, Go's implementation of table-driven tests is still the best. Because the built-in testing library makes it easy to create subtests, you can write something like this:

func TestCapitalize(t *testing.T) {
    type testcase struct {
        Input    string
        Expected string

    testcases := []testcase{
            Input: "the quick Brown fOx JUMPS OVer THE LazY dog",
            Expected: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog",
            Input: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
            Expected: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog",
            Expected: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog",
            Input: "hello. world!",
            Expected: "Hello. World!",

    for i, tc := range testcases {
        description := fmt.Sprintf("(#%d) %s", i, tc.Input)
        t.Run(description, func(t *testing.T) {
            actual := Capitalize(tc.Input)
            if actual != tc.Expected {
                t.Fatalf("Expected <%v> but got <%v>", tc.Expected, actual)

Notice we start the subtest with a description in t.Run(description, ...). If this test fails, that description is reported in the failure message, making it easy to find which test failed! This is a pain point reported in How to Test:

But there’s a drawback as well — without literal #[test] attributes, integration with tooling suffers. For example, you don’t automatically get “X out of Y tests passed” at the end of test run.

Indeed, in Rust's standard testing lib, there's no way to run subtests and have them reported neatly, unfortunately.

Snapshot testing#

Also known as golden tests or expect tests, snapshot testing is example-based testing with a twist. When a snapshot test breaks, instead of manually fixing the expected values there's a mode of running the tests that updates the expectations based on the real outputs, potentially saving you a lot of time.

Although matklad recommends this technique in How to Test -- Expect-Tests, I'll be using the (very recent!) library selfie, which runs in the JVM, for an example. With selfie, you'd write a test like this (blatantly stolen from their frontpage):

public void primesBelow100() {

When running the test, selfie recognizes the _TODO() invocation and replaces it in your own files by

public void primesBelow100() {
    .toBe("[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]");

Of course, you still need to verify that the output is really what you want. If that prime list contained a 42 in the middle and no one noticed, the tests would pass anyway, but that's why it's called snapshot testing: the expectation captures a snapshot of primesBelow(100) and if it ever changes we'll be notified by a failing test.

Selfie also supports saving the expected string in a file, as well as some more advanced features which are less common in the snapshot testing libraries I've seen. The facets page exemplifies one of those.

In Go land, it's more common to see this pattern of testing named as "golden files". I'm not sure if the naming influences the implementations or the opposite, but indeed it's less common to see "inline" expectations such as .toBe("[list of primes...]"). Instead, libraries such as goldie always store expected strings in a (golden) file. This makes sense for longer strings, but I think this approach makes it harder to review the correctness of the output, given that it's always in another file.

Model-based Testing#

A characteristic of example and snapshot-based testing is that they require that the expected output of the program is "hardcoded" into the test. Because this requires hand-crafting expectations, this can be impractical, especially when the output is complex or hard to verify.

In some situations, we can implement another version of the program that does the same thing but implemented in an easier way (a model), perhaps with different performance characteristics, and compare the outputs of the two programs.

For example, to test an optimizing compiler, one could implement a much simpler interpreter and verify for various inputs that both compiled and interpreted programs produce the same output.

Although I haven't read much on model-based testing, Property-Based Testing Against a Model of a Web Application seems like a good starting point.

Property Testing#

Example, snapshot and model-based tests all need a test oracle: the expected output needs to be known and compared against the real one. This approach has some limitations, of course, because the expected output is a lot of times too big, complex or hard to generate. Property testing is the first way I'll introduce of testing without an oracle!

The idea here is to come up with a kind of "mathematical" property of the system under test, and check if the property holds for the inputs (these are often randomly generated).

For example, suppose we're writing a UUID library. UUIDs have a ToString method, but we also wrote a FromString function. It makes sense, then, to test that calling ToString and then FromString should yield the original UUID, a sort of "inversibility" or "round-tripness" property. This is by far the most commonly cited property, it can be tricky to find others!

F# for Fun and Profit has an entire series on property-based testing, which covers the topic quite well, from the basics to ways of finding new properties.

A talk that's pretty specific to Rust, but nonetheless very interesting is Property-testing async code in Rust to build reliable distributed systems by Antonio Scandurra. In it, Antonio explains how Zed wraps the async executor in test code to randomize the order of concurrent tasks, thus covering cases that would be much harder to trigger otherwise, also making the concurrency deterministic (randomized with a known seed) in the process (actually, I'm not sure it's fully deterministic? Not sure about this part, please go watch the video :).

Surprisingly (for me at least), Go's standard testing library has a property-testing framework called testing/quick, based on Haskell's QuickCheck. In Go's version, you write a func (x Input) bool and the library generates values of x to try and make it return false, in which case the test would fail.

Metamorphic Testing#

Metamorphic testing is actually a flavor of property testing, a subset of ways you could pick a property. This technique relies on generating inputs like in property tests, then modifying it in a way that we know what should change in the output. For example, suppose we're testing a StableSort function. If we shuffle the input, the output should not change at all, but if we concatenate the input to itself (e.g. [1, 2, 3] => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]), the output will be interspersed with itself (e.g. [1, 2, 3] => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]).

Metamorphic Testing by Hillel Wayne gives great examples of the technique and links some academic papers, if you're into that. Unfortunately, it does not link Cross-Branch Testing, also by Hillel Wayne, about a method that could be considered snapshot testing, model-based testing, property testing and metamorphic testing all at once! In short, the idea consists in using another git branch as a model and checking the property thing(X) == thing_from_another_branch(X). Kind of like a snapshot!

Weird Tests#

Surely this can't be the only term used for these kinds of tests, but Use weird tests to capture tacit knowledge uses it and so will I.

Weird tests test things you wish were true in your codebase, but are not enforced by any other tooling. matklad explains it better than I could in Basic Things -- Not Rocket Science Rule:

Maintain a well-defined set of automated checks that pass on the main branch at all times. If you don’t want large blobs in git repository, write a test rejecting large git objects and run that right before updating the main branch. No merge commits on feature branches? Write a test which fails with a pageful of Git self-help if one is detected. Want to wrap .md at 80 columns? Write a test :)

It is perhaps worth you while to re-read the original post: https://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/1597.html

This mindset of monotonically growing set of properties that are true about the codebase is incredibly powerful. You start seeing code as temporary, fluid thing that can always be changed relatively cheaply, and the accumulated set of automated tests as the real value of the project.

Note: matklad calls "weird tests" the "not rocket science rule", but I don't get the impression these are the same things from the original NRSR post? I'll continue calling them weird tests :)

These are a great way of "documenting" processes and standards in a given project! It helps both new team members and veterans that may have forgotten a thing or two.

As a side note, I think running linters and format-checkers could be considered "weird tests" as well. These are standard practice, why not make your own lints as well?

Formal Methods#

So you like property testing, but worry that the random test cases might miss something? Why not mathematically prove those properties instead, then? Formal methods allow us to verify properties for all inputs, without actually running the program! A lot of effort has been put into making this kind of technique more mainstream, but it hasn't really catched on, unfortunately.

One way of writing these proofs is with languages that implement dependent typing, like Coq, Agda, Idris and Kind. Types in these languages can encode proofs, so in some cases you don't even need to write a test, instead choosing to return a type that proves the test would pass (if it doesn't pass, it doesn't compile!). A big barrier to entry for dependent typing is that you need to use these very specific languages to get the benefit, you can't just go get a "dependent types library" to start using it in a Go application that already exists, you have to write that application from scratch in Agda or something. Kind1 actually compiled to JS, so you could make it work for some real-life applications, but this seems to not be the case in the current version of Kind. I guess Kind compiles to C, so you should be able to embed it in other stuff, but few people bother.

Another kind of formal method are SMT Solvers, such as the Z3 Theorem Prover, used by Dafny. In Dafny, you can specify preconditions, postconditions, loop invariants and more, then given enough information the compiler will automatically prove the constraints for you, or give a counter-example. I haven't used SMT solvers myself, so I can't say much here, but I think the overall idea is pretty cool. Again, though, the code you want to prove needs to be written in Dafny if you want to prove things with it, even if it does compile to a bunch of languages (currently C#, Go, Python, Java and JavaScript).

Should You Really Write That Test?#

Hopefully I've shown you some new and shiny testing techniques in this post and you're now eager to try them all, get 100% coverage on every git repo you've ever touched and spend the next few years fixing all those bugs you've found!

Calm down there, I don't hope that at all. In fact, I like the takes by Brandon Smith in Thoughts on Testing. As highlighted in the post, tests have to be maintained just like the rest of the code in your codebase. It can be easy to add tests for the sake of adding them, but this can do more harm than good. Tests that just mirror the implementation, for example, can end up needing a lot of maintenance without adding much benefit at all.

Another good post is Testing on the Toilet: Testing State vs. Testing Interactions on the Google Testing Blog. The second test in it is an example of a test that can give a false sense of security because even though the code is technically tested, an incorrect implementation would still pass.

Test Scoping#

It's common to restrict the scope of what you're testing by replacing dependencies with fakes, stubs or mocks.

As supported by Thoughts on Testing and (again) How to Test, tests with a really small scope (many unit tests fall into this category) tend to test very little, but the amount of tests you write is large, increasing maintenance burden while providing less security and confidence in the code. A good idea seems to be Testing at the boundaries, alongside Testing Features, Not Code. This keeps the implementation flexible and the public API more rigid.

Some people will argue for the complete opposite side of the discussion and defend unit tests that mock everything, but I am not one of them, you'll have to find the resources for this on your own.


The main takeaway of this article is that you should read How to Test and other posts by matklad – highly recommend Basic Things as well.

Aside from that, we've discussed testing techniques that require a test oracle, like example-based, snapshot and model-based testing; as well as techniques that don't, such as property, metamorphic and cross-branch testing.

These are good methods to apply to test the behavior of code, but you can test properties of the code itself as well! Like custom linters, weird tests verify that everyone is following a convention, or hasn't forgotten to add a thing where it needs to be added, or didn't commit a typo in the docs, etc etc. These tests can aid in knowledge distribution (if you break a test, it may specify the way to fix it) and eases cognitive load (the tests can remind you of how to do things).

But sometimes the best test is no test at all! Some tests do more harm than good and can give you a false sense of security while simultaneously making the codebase harder to maintain. By testing features and system boundaries, it's easier to maintain software that does what it's supposed to while minimizing friction for extension and modification.

And that's it, folks! Happy testing :)