All of tori's configuration is defined in $CONFIG_DIR/tori.yaml, where $CONFIG_DIR is, depending on your operating system:
Platform | Value | Example |
Linux | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME /.config |
/home/alice/.config |
macOS | $HOME /Library/Application Support |
/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support |
Windows | {FOLDERID_LocalAppData} |
C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local |
Every configurable action in tori is called a "command". A list of your current key bindings can be
opened by pressing ?
. The bindings are in the format <hotkey>: <command>
If you want to know what text tori uses to represent a given hotkey (for example, whether it's
'Ctrl+Space', 'C- ' or 'C-space'), use the "Hotkey Modal" by pressing !
and then the key you
want to test.
The list of all commands can be found at
The default directory tori uses to store playlists depends on your OS:
Platform | Value | Example |
Linux | XDG_MUSIC_DIR /tori |
/home/alice/Music/tori |
macOS | $HOME /Music/tori |
/Users/Alice/Music/tori |
Windows | {FOLDERID_Music} /tori |
C:\Users\Alice\Music\tori |
Here's the default configuration file:
playlists_dir: {audio_dir described in the above table}
- [46, 20, 66]
- [16, 30, 71]
'?': OpenHelpModal
C-c: Quit
C-d: Quit
q: Quit
">": NextSong
"<": PrevSong
" ": TogglePause
L: ToggleLoop
S-right: SeekForward
S-left: SeekBackward
o: OpenInBrowser
y: CopyUrl
t: CopyTitle
A-up: VolumeUp
A-down: VolumeDown
m: Mute
v: ToggleVisualizer
s: NextSortingMode
R: Rename
X: Delete
S-down: SwapSongDown
S-up: SwapSongUp
J: SwapSongDown
K: SwapSongUp
",": Shuffle
h: SelectLeft
j: SelectNext
k: SelectPrev
l: SelectRight
a: Add
u: QueueSong
C-q: QueueShown
p: PlayFromModal
E: OpenInEditor
'!': OpenHotkeyModal
C-f: Search
You can override shortcuts in your config file, or remove some by binding them to Nop
like so:
A-enter: Nop