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All of tori's configuration is defined in $CONFIG_DIR/tori.yaml, where $CONFIG_DIR is, depending on your operating system:

Platform Value Example
Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config /home/alice/.config
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support
Windows {FOLDERID_LocalAppData} C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local


Every configurable action in tori is called a "command". A list of your current key bindings can be opened by pressing ?. The bindings are in the format <hotkey>: <command>.

getting started 05

If you want to know what text tori uses to represent a given hotkey (for example, whether it's 'Ctrl+Space', 'C- ' or 'C-space'), use the "Hotkey Modal" by pressing ! and then the key you want to test.

hotkey modal

The list of all commands can be found at


The default directory tori uses to store playlists depends on your OS:

Platform Value Example
Linux XDG_MUSIC_DIR/tori /home/alice/Music/tori
macOS $HOME/Music/tori /Users/Alice/Music/tori
Windows {FOLDERID_Music}/tori C:\Users\Alice\Music\tori

Here's the default configuration file:

playlists_dir: {audio_dir described in the above table}
  - [46, 20, 66]
  - [16, 30, 71]
  '?': OpenHelpModal
  C-c: Quit
  C-d: Quit
  q: Quit
  ">": NextSong
  "<": PrevSong
  " ": TogglePause
  L: ToggleLoop
  S-right: SeekForward
  S-left: SeekBackward
  o: OpenInBrowser
  y: CopyUrl
  t: CopyTitle
  A-up: VolumeUp
  A-down: VolumeDown
  m: Mute
  v: ToggleVisualizer
  s: NextSortingMode
  R: Rename
  X: Delete
  S-down: SwapSongDown
  S-up: SwapSongUp
  J: SwapSongDown
  K: SwapSongUp
  ",": Shuffle
  h: SelectLeft
  j: SelectNext
  k: SelectPrev
  l: SelectRight
  a: Add
  u: QueueSong
  C-q: QueueShown
  p: PlayFromModal
  E: OpenInEditor
  '!': OpenHotkeyModal 
  C-f: Search

You can override shortcuts in your config file, or remove some by binding them to Nop like so:

    A-enter: Nop