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Fast Pretty Good RISC-V Assembly Rendering System

FPGRARS is a RISC-V assembly simulator with a graphics display window and keyboard input, similar to RARS, but 200 times faster. If you want to run RISC-V assembly programs easily, learn assembly language, or even build a game, FPGRARS is a great option! (and if it isn't for you please open an issue) :)


First, head over to the latest release and download the appropriate executable. Then, you can run a RISC-V assembly file either by running ./fpgrars your_riscv_file.s in a terminal or by dragging the .s onto the executable. If you're on Linux, you might need to chmod +x fpgrars-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu for FPGRARS to work.

If you have the Rust toolchain installed, you can also download FPGRARS by running cargo install fpgrars.

You may also want to check out Getting Started for a more detailed guide.