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There are two ways to configure FPGRARS: by passing command-line arguments or by using an fpgrars.toml file.

Command-line arguments

When you run fpgrars --help, you will see the available arguments for your specific version of FPGRARS, like it's shown below. Do note that the version on this website might not always be up to date.

> fpgrars --help
Fast Pretty Good RISC-V Assembly Rendering System

Usage: fpgrars [OPTIONS] [FILE]

  [FILE]  The RISC-V file to execute

      --no-video            Hides the bitmap display
  -w, --width <WIDTH>       The width of the bitmap display. Defaults to 320px
  -h, --height <HEIGHT>     The height of the bitmap display. Defaults to 240px
  -s, --scale <SCALE>       Each pixel is scaled by this factor. Defaults to 2 (each pixel becomes a 2x2 square)
  -p, --port <PORT>         The MIDI port to use for audio
      --print-instructions  Prints the instructions in the FPGRARS format
      --print-state         Prints the final state of the program after execution
  -h, --help                Print help
  -V, --version             Print version

For example, if you want to run FPGRARS without the bitmap display and print the state of the registers when the program exits, you can use the command

fpgrars --no-video --print-state file.s

As another example, if you want the bitmap display to be 1280 x 720 and display each pixel as a 1x1 square (an actual pixel), you should run

fpgrars -w 1280 -h 720 -s 1

In this case, you probably want to run FPGRARS with this configuration every time your project is executed. The next section outlines a way to do this.

Configuration file (fpgrars.toml)

If FPGRARS detects an fpgrars.toml in the current working directory, it will use the configuration defined there by default. For example, suppose the working directory is structured like this:

|- fpgrars.toml
|- src
|  |- main.s

and fpgrars.toml contains the following:

width = 1280
height = 720
scale = 1

Then, running fpgrars src/main.s is the same as fpgrars --width 1280 --height 720 --scale 1.

You could also specify a default file to run, for example:

file = "src/main.s"

Then, running fpgrars is the same as fpgrars src/main.s.

It's worth noting that you can still pass command-line arguments in addition to using fpgrars.toml, in which case any options you pass by command-line will take priority over the ones defined in the config file.